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Quality and Qualifications Ireland certificate
QQI Award certificate, QQI qualifications.

Quality and Qualifications Ireland is the national agency responsible for qualifications in Ireland. How to obtain replicate Quality and Qualifications Ireland certificate? Order a QQI qualifications online. It was established by the Oireachtas in 2012 following the amalgamation of the National Qualifications Authority of Ireland, the Further Education and Training Awards Council, the Higher Education and Training Awards Council and the Irish Universities Quality Board.

QQI is the state agency responsible for promoting the quality, integrity and reputation of Ireland’s further and higher education system. Ensuring that learners achieve qualifications that are valued nationally and internationally. Providing trusted information on the qualifications included on the National Framework of Qualifications.  Order a Hochschule Neubrandenburg Urkunde.

QQI is an independent state agency responsible for promoting quality and accountability in education and training services in Ireland and beyond. Buy QQI Award diploma, Make QQI Award Certificate, Buy a QQI Bachelor degree certificate. QQI has a broad range of functions relating to the external quality assurance of further and higher education and training in Ireland; the National Framework of Qualifications (NFQ); and the awarding of the International Education Mark (IEM).

QQI validates programmes (ex-ante programme accreditation) for independent providers in further education (public and private providers) and higher education (mainly private providers) and sets standards and makes awards on the NFQ in respect of those validated programmes. In the area of qualifications, QQI maintains the ten-level NFQ and any associated recognition. QQI is the NARIC centre for Ireland (NARIC Ireland) and provides recognition advice on foreign qualifications.